Social Media Marketing and Blogging Advice from a Novice

April 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I’m an overachiever when it comes to great ideas, but sometimes life just gets in the way and I underperform.  My blog is a great example of that.  I have so many blog ideas on a daily basis, but to actually sit down and compose, well, that’s another story. For example, I’ve photographed a crazy amount of fashion shows just recently that I really want to promote and discuss.  Because of the fact that there are only 24 hours in each day, and also because I have been spending an un-godly amount of time at the farm lately shooting foalings for my non-profit, ( there just isn’t time to write.  So instead, I pop a few key pictures up on Facebook, send out a few tweets, then post the links to the full collections and let it roll on it’s own.  Not such a great strategy when you are in the market to gain followers and a reputation as a blogger/writer.  


After a lot of thought about this lack of performance, I decided today, to just write about that. Just that.  That I have great ideas but I just can’t seem to find the time to get them posted.  This is where it all changes.  You see, yesterday, I decided that I wanted to get 500 views to the latest fashion show that I shot this past weekend.  I did what I normally do, except this time I started to connect with everyone that made comments or shared my links.  Big difference!  You can’t just watch as hundreds of people like your FB posts or favorite your tweets.  I decided yesterday to become proactive.. and I connected. 


The views topped 600 just a little while ago and I’m shooting for 1000 now.  Greedy?  Not exactly.  I’m trying to prove a point.  We have great tools for marketing but we can’t expect them to just work for us without doing a little background work as well.  Which is what brought me full circle to this blog. Why don’t I blog more often?  It’s so simple.  My website has the page all set up, all I have to do is type and send... get my thoughts into some kind of cohesive format and share it with the world.  I guess I always thought that my blogs had to be long, detailed, interesting.. but what I’m realizing is that they can be short, concise and just focused on getting to the crux of it all in the shortest time possible. So there it is.  I’m posting this basic, short, concise blog on marketing more traffic to your social media through interaction with your followers and a quick little blog about it.   Now lets see what happens.  Oh, and yes, it was the Electric City Couture show featuring the most amazing designers in upstate NY.  Here’s the link. Feel free to share :)



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